Call for Papers

ICCSM  is a premier forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of computer, software and modeling. The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Track 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Computers and Communication

Track Chair: Prof. Smain Femmam, UHA University France, France

 AI Technologies and Game Theory for Communications
 Machine and Deep Learning of Knowledge
 Bio-inspired Computing in Communications
 Data Science and Data Engineering
 Distributed Knowledge and Processing
 Cloud Computing / Grid Computing

Track 2: Software Engineering and Development

Track Chair: Prof. Toufik Bakir, Burgundy University, France

 Agile Methods and Software Processes
 Apps and App Store Analysis
 Cooperative, Distributed, and Global Software Engineering
 Embedded Real-Time Systems
 Human Factors and Social Aspects of Software Engineering
 Knowledge-based Systems and Formal Methods
 Search Engines and Information Retrieval
 Software Architecture, Modelling and Design
 Software Engineering and Development  Software Engineering Tools and Environments
 Software For Green and Sustainable Technologies
 Web-Based Software Engineering
 Application of Simulation Software

Track 3: Computer Technologies

Track Chair: Prof. Amir Hajiyavand, University of Birmingham, UK

 Computer System Architecture
 Computer Hardware
 Operating Systems
 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
 High-Performance Computing
 Cloud and Edge Computing
 Quantum Computing
 Cybersecurity and Cryptography
 High Performance Computing
 Parallel and Distributed Computing
 Cloud Computing and Virtualization
 Computational Science
 Database and Data Management
 Pattern Recognition
 Data Science

Track 4: Modeling Technology

Track Chair: Saad Mekhilef, University of Malaya, Malaysia

 Mathematical Modelling and Application
 Engineering Applications and Scientific Computations
 Computational Fluid Dynamics
 Intelligent Computing and Simulation Technology
 Modelling, Simulation and Control of Technological Processes
 Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
 Simulation of Intelligent Systems